Dog Daze


Last December I tagged along with the Head and the Heart as they finished recording their new record, which we'll call #THATHLP3 for now. Set in an old church on the east side of Nashville, the studio was amazing. But even more amazing were producer Jay Joyce's two dogs, who paraded around the place knowing just how important to the overall vibe their massive, zen-like presence is. 


Jonathan seemed especially taken with them, though everyone had their moments. I'm not sure if they'll make the liner notes of the forthcoming record, but they definitely will be there in spirit.  


100% man's best friend.  

Pardoning the Lobsters

Modest Mouse came to Boston and left it a better place in their wake. No, not just because everyone a the sold out show danced their faces off, but also because Isaac decided to show mercy to a couple crustaceans and released two lobsters back into the dark weirdness of Boston Harbor.